Project Timeline
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Lessons learned from implementing the pilot project and creating spaces that foster integration in Limerick
From January 2023 to April 2024, Doras worked in close partnership with Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) and other local stakeholders to design and deliver a range of integration initiatives that aimed to promote employability, positive health and wellbeing,...
Lessons learned from the Italian pilot project in Varese and the importance of creating friendly spaces to foster migrant integration
Through the implementation of the INTEgreat pilot project in Varese, Italy, various activities and services were offered in the four main areas of intervention of the project (training and capacity building, employment, health and social cohesion) to benefit asylum...
Preparation of the New Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) – Limerick in the eyes of Migrants- Part 1.
The Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) is a statutory plan, led by the local authority. The preparation and implementation of the LECP is supported by collaborations with public agencies, community and voluntary bodies and sectoral interests in the local...