Job Fair

Job Fair

On the 13th of March we launch a speed dating session between our talented coding graduates and representatives from Barcelona’s tech sector. Date & Time of Activity: 13/03/2024 17:30-21:00

Informative session on labor rights

The session was given by lawyer Iván Cotillo Fernández and dealt with the employment contract, wages, social security contributions, working hours, holidays and leave, dismissal, and settlement, among others. Date & Time of Activity: 29/02/2024...
Meals Around the World

Meals Around the World

As part of our series of Cultural Workshops, we invite our community to share their culture through food! We welcome you to bring a dish that reminds you of home, or simply to come enjoy the culinary creations of others. The event will take place on Friday the 15th of...
Negotiation Skills Workshop

Negotiation Skills Workshop

Labour integration is key to building a life in a new country. Knowing how to negotiate confidently is very useful when looking for jobs, and that is why we organised a workshop on negotiation skills for women with a migration background. During the event, Marianne...